FNV - traduzione in Inglese
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FNV - traduzione in Inglese

v. Dutch trade union federation


FNV may refer to:
Esempi dal corpus di testo per FNV
1. An FNV spokesman said it was too early to say, how many people would join the protest over pension demands.
2. Contact reduced The Abvakabo FNV union, which represents prison staff, has raised concerns about the jail, which they see as a response to the justice system‘s need to cut costs.
3. The strike will not completely shut down production at the Pernis refinery because of safety measures, trade union FNV said, adding that it could take two weeks for the refinery to be brought to a standstill.
4. Chris van Bokkum, chairman of the local branch of FNV, one of the Nedcar unions, feared proposals to lay–off around one–third of the workforce mark the beginning of the end ňŔÓ not only for Nedcar, but the Dutch auto industry.